Cassia gum is used as a thickening agent in pet food, manufacturing air fresheners and gels, and is also used as a food additive. Cassia gum is also used in many food products like cheese, desserts, meat products, poultry products, etc., for emulsification, foam stabilization, moisture retention, and texture improvement.
Used in: Wet canned pet food, Veterinary preparations, calf milk replacer, etc. Use as: Gelling agent, retains moisture. It is a good thickener, stabilizing, and suspending agent for veterinary preparations.
Used in:It is used in making air freshener gels.
Used in: Cassia Tora powder is very useful in the manufacture of Toothpaste.
Used in: Ice creams, soft serves, frozen cakes, etc. Use as: Prevents ice crystal formation, moisture loss controller, Stabilizer, freezer burn reducer, syneresis controller, freezing point and thaw separation controller.
Used in: Snacks, Puddings, Noodles, pasta, meat etc. Use as: Improves moisture retention, improves texture/shape and increases production.
Used in: Cheese, Yogurt, desserts, mousse, whey protein concentrate, etc. Use as:: Improve texture, prevent syneresis in cheese formation, moisture distribution control agent, Increase Viscosity, improve tenderness, Improve mouth feel.
Used in: Soups, Sausage, pickles, barbecue, salad dressing etc. Use as: Increase viscosity and improve free-flowing properties. It is a unique cold water dispersible, acid-resistant, free water binder in salad dressings, sauce, pickles, and relishes.
Used in: Poultry feed, feed additives, supplements, etc. Use as: It helps improve the texture and consistency of feed, ensuring uniform distribution of nutrients..
Used in: Water-based paints, Printing inks, Electrical and telephone cable, Photography, Water treatment and water purifier, Fire fighting, Incense sticks, Mosquito coils & mats, Noodles, Gem, Ceramics, Synthetic resin, Wallpapers, Polishes, Battery electrolytes etc.
Cassia meal is used as a thickening agent in conjunction with xanthan gum in wet canned pet food. Guar meal contains 50% of protein and thus can improve the digestive system of cows and buffaloes. The cattle start giving extra fat in the milk and increase the quantity of the milk if taking guar meal. The guar meal contains 2 times more proteins than a guar seed and thus is very much used in cattle feed.
Used in: Cattle feed, livestock feed, and animal nutrition supplements. Use as: A natural thickening and binding agent, Cassia Meal improves the consistency of cattle feed, enhancing palatability and nutrient absorption.
Used in: Cattle feed, buffalo feed, and livestock feed supplements. Use as: With its high protein content (50%), is used as a protein-rich feed additive to improve the digestive system of cows and buffaloes. It helps enhance milk production by increasing both the fat content and the overall quantity of milk.
The Cassia Tora Seed is recognized as a ripe seed by sicklepod and is a highly treasured ancient Chinese herb. As explained by Ayurveda Cassia Tora has great laxatives, ophthalmics, anthelmintics, and expectorants. The main constituents include derivatives of rhein anthraquinone, emodin, chrysophanol, and fixed oil. Used as aperients & purgatives the seeds help to loosen bowels & relieve constipation.
Traditionally, leaves of Chakvad were very popular as a potherb. Cassia tora has chrysophanic acid-9-anthrone. Nonetheless when Cassia Tora with self-heal Spica Prunellae & Cape jasmine fruit are used good remedies for conjunctivitis & inflammation are observed. The membrane in the inner area of the eyelids & continues to the front part of the eyeball. Many cures experience photophobia & intolerance to light.
Used in: Cassia Tora Seed is very useful in the manufacture of coffee.
Used in: Cassia Tora Seed is very useful in the manufacture of Tea.
Guar Gum has various food, cosmetics, and various industrial applications. It works as a thickener, stabilizer, and emulsifier in food and cosmetics as it is one of the most popular thickening and binding agents. Guar gum is used to get a smooth and creamier texture in ice creams. It can avoid the formation of ice crystals and quick meltdown in dairy products. When used in beverages, guar gum controls viscosity and improves shelf life. Guar gum is used as a viscosifier in pet food products. It helps in improving flow properties in soups and dressings as it is a very good thickener and stabilizer. It can also be used as a binder in sausages which can prevent migration and separation. It can improve texture and flavor in noodles, pastry icings, processed cheese, etc.
Used in:Ice creams, soft serves, frozen cakes etc. Use as: Prevents ice crystal formation, moisture loss controller, Staibilizer, freezer burn reducer, syneresis controller, freezing point and thaw separation controller.
Used in:Breads, Muffins, cookies, cakes, pastries, biscuits, chocolate, jellies etc. Use as: Improve elasticity, moisture retaining agent, improve microstructure, dough controller, binding agent, freeze thaw and heat stabilizer, film forming agent, jelling agent, bloom controller, agar and gelatin replacer, glazing agent etc.
Used in:Soft drinks, fruit juices, alcoholic beverages etc. Use as: Thickener, Increase viscosity, suspending agent in fruit beverages, Improves mouth feel.
Used in:Snacks, Puddings, Noodles, pasta, meat etc. Use as: Improves moisture retention, improve texture / shape and increase production.
Used in:Cheese, Yogurt, desserts, mousse, whey protein concentrate etc. Use as: : Improve texture, prevents syneresis in cheese formation, moisture distribution control agent, Increase Viscosity, improves tenderness, Improve mouth feel.
Used in:Soups, Sausage, pickles, barbecue, salad dressing etc. Use as: Increase viscosity and improves free flowing properties. It is unique cold water dispersible, acid resistant, free water binder in salad dressings, sauce, pickles and relishes.
Used in:Wet canned pet food, Veterinary preparations, calf milk replacer etc. Use as: Gelling agent, retains moisture. It is a good thickener, stabilizing and suspending agent for veterinary preparations.
Used in:Tablet, drug, laxatives, vitamins, syrups, dietary fiber, soluble fiber. Use as: Binds medicine, disintegrating agent in tablet perpetration. Used in laxatives to increase intestinal transit time and to increase stool. Suitable suspending agent in anti-inflammatory drugs, etc. Blood glucose and blood lipid lowering agent.
Used in:Toothpaste, ointments, conditioners etc. Use as: Gelling Agent and increase viscosity. Also lubricator, suspender and film forming agent.
Used in:Water based paints, Printing inks, Electrical and telephone cable, Photography, Water treatment and water purifier, Fire fighting, Incense sticks, Mosquito coils & mats, Noodles, Gem, Ceramics, Synthetic resin, Wallpapers, Polishes, Battery electrolytes etc.
In construction industries, guar gum is used as a waterproofing agent. It is also used for sizing and finishing in textiles. Guar gum is highly used in paper industry to get better finish, for increased bursting strength, fold strength and to get denser surface for printing. In cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, guar gum is used for thickening and conditioning.Guar gum can increase the rate of oil production and is used as a surfactant, synthetic polymer, defoamer suiting to all rheological requirements of water-based and brine-based drilling fluids. Guar gum is also used in mining and explosives as a water binding agent and for better recovery.
Used in:Oil & gas drilling, drilling fluids, fracturing Fluids etc. Use as: Reduces friction and increases permeability, reduce water and fluid loss, good fluid loss properties, lubricant and cooler of dirll bits, shale inhibito and solids carrier. Improves viscosity and thermal stability.
Used in:Coal Mining, Concentration of ore, filtration, Plaster, Concrete etc. Use as: Stabilizer and dispersant, floating agent, flocculating or setting agent, foam stabilizer, back water generator, water proofing agent.
Used in:Paper board, paper making, wrapping papers, crafts, photographic paper, filter etc. Use as: Increase fines retention, increase dry and wet strength, Flocculent and sizing agent, retention and drainage providing agent. Improve sheet formation and decrease porosity. Improves finishing.
Used in:Cotton, silk, rayon, Jute, wool sizing, Synthetic, carpet printing etc. Use as: Sizing and thickener of printing paste. Increases the strength of the wrap so reduces its breakages and reduces the dusting of sizing machine. Dispersant and thickening agent for dyes in textile printing.
Used in:Cigar, Cigarette, Kreteks, Gutka etc. Use as: Binder and strengthening agent for fragmented tobacco fins of reconstituted tobacco. It also reduces irritation.
Used in:Cream, Lipstick, hair spray, shaving cream, hair shampoos etc. Use as: Squeezing agent, thickening agent, lubricating agent, suspending agent, detergent compatible thickener, protective colloids, film forming agent.
Used in:Soil conditioner, soil additives, etc. Use as: Increase water holding capacity of soil, work as anti crusting agent.
Used in:Blasting explosive, slurry explosive, explosive gel etc. Use as: Water remover, plasticity improver, gelling and thickening agent. Makes mucilaginous paste.
Used in:Water based paints, Printing inks, Electrical and telephone cable, Photography, Water treatment and water purifier, Fire fighting, Incense sticks, Mosquito coils & mats, Noodles, Gem, Ceramics, Synthetic resin, Wallpapers, Polishes, Battery electrolytes etc.
Fast hydration guar gum powder is used in oil drilling and mining due to its multi-functional properties like fluid and water loss control, viscosity control, lubrication. It is also used where quick hydration and high viscosity is required like cooling of drill bits, mud drilling and cementing slurries. The use of fast hydration guar gum in oil drilling and mining can result to excellent pump ability, good thermal stability, excellent shelf life and good hydration. It provides best carrying capacity to support sand or other proppants to be placed in created fracture if cross linked with borates.
Used in:Oil & gas drilling, drilling fluids, fracturing Fluids etc. Use as: Reduces friction and increases permeability, reduce water and fluid loss, good fluid loss properties, lubricant and cooler of dirll bits, shale inhibito and solids carrier. Improves viscosity and thermal stability.
Used in:Water based paints, Printing inks, Electrical and telephone cable, Photography, Water treatment and water purifier, Fire fighting, Incense sticks, Mosquito coils & mats, Noodles, Gem, Ceramics, Synthetic resin, Wallpapers, Polishes, Battery electrolytes etc.