Cassia Seeds- History, Benefits & Applications of Cassia Tora Seeds

Cassia Seeds also are known as Semen Cassia, jue ming zi in China belongs to Caesalpinaceae plant family and genus Cassia. The seeds are bold, small that is hard to beat in their quality and affordability. It is available in many ranges like cassia tora seeds, natural cassia tora seeds, Cassia tora L., Cassia obtusifolia L, Caesalpiniaceae etc. The plant mainly grows in the tropical region of India and commercially supplied from regions of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The cassia seeds have miraculous medicinal values. It is also been highly valued in ancient Chinese herb.

The appearance of cassia seeds may vary in colour from green to dark brown and even yellow that has a salty bittersweet taste with a smooth surface

Benefits of Using Cassia Seeds –

  • Cassia Tora Seed helps with the weight loss. It helps to maintain the digestive system removing the unwanted toxins from the body
  • It is considered an external tonic for bowel, liver, and kidney.
  • It is used for the treatment of red or itchy eyes and also alleviates the discomfort in case of light-sensitive eyes.
  • It helps to remove intense heat from the liver that results in improved vision, moisturizing intestine and easing bowels
  • It prevents the growth of microorganisms like fungi and bacteria due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties.
  • High blood pressure may cause health problems. In order to lower down the high blood pressure, cassia sea tea is one of the natural remedies. It also helps to lower down the cholesterol level as well as decrease blood lipids
  • Cassia seeds have the ability to calm down the dizziness and prevent it from reoccurring
  • A natural treatment for cold and flu and combats all infections related to seasonal allergies
  • The oil extracted from the cassia seeds has an effective treatment for arthritis pain in the joints due to its anti-rheumatic and anti-inflammatory properties
  • It improves blood circulation and alleviates swelling, discomfort, and pain in the muscles and tissues by warming it

Applications of Cassia Seeds –

  • Cassia Seeds contains anthrax-glucoside that is applied to obtain a laxative effect.
  • It slows down the growth of disease-causing microorganisms like Bacillus, bacillys coli, paratyphoid bacillus, and typhoid and bacillus diphtheria when infused with alcohols
  • It is considered as a mordant in the process of dyeing.
  • Used as an alternative for coffee seeds when roasted and grounded.
  • It is applied for bird feed livestock when dehydrated as it provides a good amount of protein
  • It is also been used as fodder for animals and carps ingredient.

Avlast Hydrocolloids offers with the high-quality cassia tora seeds that are also been helpful in different industries.  Along with this we also offer with other cassia products that include cassia tora meal, cassia powder, cassia tora splits, cassia tora meal etc. Our other products include guar gum powder, guar refined splits, guar meal as well as fast hydration guar gum powder. To know more about cassia tora seed contact us today and get acquainted with more benefits of cassia seeds