Food Grade Cassia Gum Powder

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Food Grade Cassia Gum Powder is a natural, high-molecular-weight polysaccharide. It is used in a variety of products, including food, beverages, and cosmetics. It also serves as a thickener and texture improver and acts as a foam stabilizer and emulsifier. It is commonly used in the production of frozen foods and is approved for use by the Indian, and European Union.

The Many Uses of Cassia Tora Seed

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The Cassia Tora Seed is a common ingredient in decoctions, which are used in several health care practices. The leaves and seed kernels contain anthraquinones, which are active compounds that improve insulin sensitivity. When consumed as tea, Cassia tora helps to relieve diarrhea and loosen bowels. The leaves are also used for treating conjunctivitis and snake bite.

Cassia Gum Powder for Hair Colouring

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Cassia gum is used to create a variety of colour shades in Henna applications. It is extracted from the leaves of a plant, the Cassia obtusifolia, which grows in many countries around the world. Although not technically henna, it has many useful uses and is often used in cosmetics and hair care products. It is safe and works well as a conditioner for the hair.

Cassia Gum Powder for Healthy Hairs

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Cassia gum is used in making styling products such as hair mousse, shampoo, and shower gel. It helps to improve the feel and handling of hair in both the wet and dry stages. The cationic properties of cassia gum enable the deposition of silicone in the fibres of the hair during the shampooing process. It also imparts an improved sensory experience and can be mixed with other ingredients to create the perfect product for your hair.

Properties and Applications of Cassia Gum Powder

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Cassia gum is a polysaccharide with a molecular mass of between 200,000 and 300,000 Da and derived from the seeds of Senna Tora. Its major components are mannose and galactose, which make it a good choice for oral and topical applications. Because of its high molecular mass, cassia gum is easily absorbed by the body.

Know in Detail About Benefits of Cassia Powder

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The natural and healthy benefits of cassia powder are well-known. Its rich nutrient content makes it an excellent antibacterial, antifungal, and even a laxative. It is used for external use only and has many health benefits. Its natural colour is not affected by the sun and is also safe during pregnancy. It is packed in a foil pouch with a natural tang. If you are a health-conscious person, consider buying it as an alternative to expensive hair dyes.

Cassia Gum Powder for Dogs and Cats Food

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Cassia gum is a natural food additive that is approved for use in Japan. Other countries, such as Europe, have adopted cassia as a substitute for animal food. While the United States and Asia are the largest markets for this ingredient, many other regions, including Australia, South Africa, and India, are relatively new to its use. While cassia gum is a safe substitute for wet-canned pet food

Uses of Cassia Tora Splits & Cassia Gum Powder in Pet Food Industry

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Cattle food products such as cassia split are common ingredients. This thickener is often required in diabetic diets. It is a natural ingredient in all meat dishes and is also used in personal care and cosmetics. Listed below are a few uses of cassia split. You may be surprised to learn that it’s used for a variety of purposes!